
Follow these casino dragon tiger winning tricks:

1. Count The Cards: This game is perfect for those who like keeping track of the cards by counting since very few cards are dealt. For instance, pay attention to 7s, which are losing cards, and check how many 7s are dealt from the deck.

2. Don't Rely on the Betting Systems: Regardless of what you might have heard about betting systems in Dragon Tiger, we'll make it clear for you they don't work. Rather than wasting your time trying to learn some betting system, a more useful alternative is to follow our tips and save yourself from ending up frustrated.

3. Never Bet on a Tie: Betting on a tie indeed has a high payout odds, which are 8:1. But it also has a house advantage of up to 32.77%. That is why only the fortunate ones win when betting on a tie.

4. Understand The Game: Rather than rushing into betting, take your time to analyze and execute a specific strategy. Observe the dealer, and if possible, record the results of every game so you can make more precise betting decisions in the future.

5. Manage Your Bankroll: If you wish to keep playing longer without wasting all your money, a good strategy is to place smaller bets more times. This way you'll get more out of your available bankroll, rather than playing a few games and potentially losing your money over a short period.