Emjay Coupon is not your home page because if you click on your website title you will be redirected to some different page and when you come back so this is just a simple page you have named it home but this is not your home page so let's set this page as the home page come back to your dashboard first click on pages edit the home page now at the right hand side over here you'll see page attributes under page attributes you'll see template under templates select home here it is home page select home page click on update but

Heyemjay Coupon name slash home which means that this is not your home page it is just a simple page that you have created it still this is not set as the home page if you use this page in a new tab now it is blank page which is fine we don't have any sidebar any title over here which is good but still we have this your website name slash home and when you still click click on your no store name you are redirected to some different page so to set this as the home page you can hover over settings click on reading now as you can see by default your home page will display your latest post we to display a page a static page so for that we will select the second option and