Total Keto X delicious and then other

Total Keto X than that I would use asparagus as well not very often compared to the others feel really really good so what highly highly highly recommend this and this is like a leader of vegan is that this will last quite a while which is great and then we picked up some kimchi Christmas actually never tried kimchi before so it's gonna be really fun to make him some dinner with this I love kimchi fermented foods are really really good for your gut health like really good so anything you can get this fermented and be and I would
Total Keto X 100% recommend I would normally buy a bulk thing but I wanted Chris to try it first and if he doesn't like it then I'll just buy myself like the smaller packages and then I have a couple of vegan meat options um I have some unpackaged because I like throughout the package already so that's why I'm not showing it to you vegan bacon is it tempeh yeah it's tempeh bacon and actually looks like bacon there's some that look really weird don't get those if it looks like bacon get it and no corsets I asked mister I don't pronounce it okay it's not tempeh not 10-bit bacon but we got a vegan bacon we're gonna fry up soon because it's delicious and then this is plant-based vegan or veggie sausage it's just like a simulated