Football club send letter of support to fan after he talks about depression


Staff member
Why are people "laughing" at this post??

Hope the lad is okay though! Well done to Barnsley Football Club!

A touch of class.

Wow what a lovely gesture and what a brave man for opening up about his struggles so openly on social media! Well done Barnsley Football club for taking the time to reach out to someone who’s struggling, I’m sure it will mean more to him that you’ll ever know! More football clubs need to speak more openly about mental health then maybe men would feel more comfortable talking about their mental health!

Very unusual and thoughtful. It’s rare for Football Clubs to get down to this level of support. Usually players fill in this role if they are motivated enough.

Awesome gesture that may have saved a life.

Football club send letter of support to fan after he talks about depression.JPG

What an impressive gesture. I wish we saw more of this type behavior in the USA; our “footballers” seem to only get attention these days for their political positions/antics.

That doesn't feel like a publicity stunt eithers, looks like genuine empathy. Well done to the top guys at barnsley.

This should be the norm. Well done Barnsley for leading the way; fantastic. Wishing the supporter all the best.

Wow that s brilliant. Well done to the football club , what s lovely supportive gesture.

How wonderful that the club reached out to a fan in need! I hope he gets the support he needs!

What a fantastic club!

A lovely gesture! Well done Barnsley FC x.