ADHD Test - The ADHD Testing Protocol

A marked increase in incidence of incest has been noted Meridian Health Protocol Review among borderline individuals (Kernberg, O., 1975), which would seem to implicate trauma of later origin. The increased incidence of incest among borderline individuals, however, in part may be a resultof the disease process, just as the "schizophrenogenic mother" usually is a result of the patient's shift to the infant mind, rather than being the cause of the disease process. The increased incidence of incest could in part relate to the increased number of adopteds among the borderline population and the fact that biologically, with adopteds, it is not incest. Careful studies ultimately will reveal which correlations are causative in nature.

The increased incidence of alcohol and drug dependence among those with PTSD may also relate to a Two Trauma mechanism. I draw this from my broad clinical experience to make the observation that PTSD patients suffer from all disorders of impulse control. This strengthens the argument for adult PTSD returning the person not only to the trauma in adult life, but to previous trauma at an earlier age when there was poor impulse control.

When helplessness in the present links up with helplessness during infancy, any prolonged stress or frustration of infancy can be awakened and carry with it the desire to put something in the mouth to feel better. My model defines serious emotional disorder as a coexistence of two minds in one skull: the adult mind and the reawakened mind-and brain-of the troubled infant. Thus, with the schizophrenic, the adult mind may be partially operating, but it may be under the control of and acting in accordance with the realities/needs/desires of an infant part of the mind.