Curing Your Neuropathy

An energetic technique that blends anatomy, physiology, Nerve Renew Review applied kinesthetics, structural analysis, chiropractic, and quantum physics can produce radical and often instantaneous healthful changes in a person on all levels of their being. This type of energetic method is able to deal with the more specific causes/sources of physical issues and injuries. Not only can it accurately pinpoint the obvious physical areas of pain, but also the myriad underlying emotional, psychological and spiritual causes of weakness.

An energetic method that looks outside the box for answers, finds the answers that affect real changes. If the experts had the answers, unresolvable pain would be a thing of the past. An energetic method also works on pets, animals, livestock and plants. Finding the root causes of painful issues and eliminating them makes it possible to release the physical symptom for good. It is often said that Faith moves mountains.

Ice and heat can be alternated but ice should be emphasized by using ice for 10 minutes, heat 5 minutes, and repeat the ice / heat / ice approach starting and ending with ice. One session usually equals 40 minutes (ice/heat/ice/heat/ice for 10+5+10+5+10, respectively, = 40 min.), and several sessions can be repeated each day. The old adage of "ice for 24 hours followed by heat" does NOT apply here as ice or "contrast therapy" of ice/heat/ice/heat/ice can be performed for as long as there is pain or, for several weeks or longer. The good news is that you will never hurt yourself by using ice but, you can make it hurt worse by using heat too soon so, when in doubt, use ice!