Diabetic Foot Care Tips and Suggestions

Studies have been conducted on the effect of cow's milk protein Diabetes Freedom Review on Type I diabetes. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) a major component of cow's milk is supposed to play a role in causing Type I diabetes. It has been proven that kids who are given cow's milk in infancy have a greater chance of developing Type I diabetes than those who are breastfed. BSA can cross the baby's gut and increase the antibodies which can then cross-react with beta cells in the pancreas thereby damaging them.

Some studies have shown that shorter breastfeeding duration increases the chances of Type 1 diabetes even when there is a genetic predisposition to the disease. Thus if two siblings have close relatives who have Type I diabetes and one of them is breastfed for a longer duration then his chances of developing the disease is significantly reduced. It could also be possible that the absence of a strong immune system in non-breast fed babies is a cause of Type I diabetes. In addition breast feeding ensures the proper development of the gut as well as protects the baby against viral infections that can cause Type I diabetes.

Various other factors such as nitrosamines and coffee are also considered as possible diabetogenic factors. Dietary proteins such as gluten are also supposed to have an effect on Type 1 diabetes.There is a new theory that being more hygienic can cause Type I diabetes. This theory says that a late exposure to disease causing viruses and bacteria can actually weaken the immune system thus making the body more susceptible to infections at a later stage. This is seen as an explanation of the higher prevalence of Type I diabetes in developed countries. Therefore it is recommended that children attend day cares, share beds with siblings and are allowed to play outdoors and with pets in order to improve their immune system and act as prevention against Type I diabetes.
