Easy Ways to Boost Your Immune System Fast

Multi-vitamin/mineral - always a good back up to provide Medipure Hemp CBD Review essential vitamins/minerals that might otherwise be lacking in the diet. I wouldn't use them daily though. Overuse of vitamin supplements is easily done and wasteful. Just add them in when you feel they need a boost. Otherwise, if you're feeding a diet rich in fresh produce, simply use vitamin/mineral supplementation as you feel necessary. I would think they are more essential for young growing bodies and elderly rats.

Omega 3, 6 and 9 (a good oil such as cool oil, flax or hemp oil will provide a rich source of these), as well as hempseed, flax and chia. Flax and chia seeds absorb many times their amount when soaked in water. I don't recommend giving them dry to rats. You can grind them up first and just add pinches into food or use them in biscuits etc. Or, soak them first and use them in your recipes. If you already use these, please comment below as to how you use them, I am interested and I'm sure it would be useful for other readers to know. J

Selenium (a good source is brazil nuts) stimulates the production of natural T-cells which fight viral and bacterial infections. Selenium helps to make antibodies and in my studies, I have found it to be one of the essential minerals in cancer prevention. I like to grate brazil nuts over the rat's dinner or pasta like 'parmesan'
