Salt and High Blood Pressure FAQs

But, if your BP readings are repeatedly high, then it may be IGR Plus Review time to speak with your physician about blood pressure medication, as well as lifestyle and dietary changes that will help.If your reading is higher, say in the 120-139 over 80-89, you may be in the pre-hypertension stage. High blood pressure (stage one) is a reading of 140-159 over 90-99, and high blood pressure (stage two) is 160 and higher over 100 and higher.It may not have obvious symptoms but it's known to be serious over a lengthy period of time putting the sufferer at risk of stroke, heart disease/failure or kidney disease.

Your blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood that is pumped by the heart and the amount of resistance to the flow of blood in your arteries. For example, the higher amount of blood circulated by the heart and the smaller the arteries, the higher your reading will be be. The healthy (or usual) blood pressure readings for adults over 18 is 120 over 80; however, it's not uncommon for some people to naturally have higher or lower levels based on their general health levels or physical constitution.

Statistics show that 1 in 4 American adults have high blood pressure. Studies have also shown that African-Americans that live in in the United States are prone to high BP. The risk of hypertension also goes up with your age, Women over 55 and men over the age of 45 have an increased risk of suffering this condition, and it is also known to be a hereditary condition. High BP which happens specifically while pregnant is referred to as pre-eclampsia and it's potentially very dangerous for both mother and child.