Sleep Problems and ADHD

I spent nearly a decade in pure research in laboratories Memory Hack Review and most of the rest of my life evaluating research from all over the world. I have now been in clinical practice for over 35 years, specializing in anxiety disorders and trauma - and here is the problem. To be valid research is done narrow windows of experience and theory to constrain variation and misinterpretation. Unfortunately such research is grabbed by those with vested interests and applied or claimed as valid in practical situations that the research cannot and should not be extrapolated to.

The only real test that can eliminate such bias and misuse is a global practical application of the theory in a broader therapeutic perspective. And the best way to do that, and stop misuse of research and wild claims, is to apply a consequence.So, here is my suggestion to cover all professional applications in mental and physical health, and I would appreciate feedback (but not abuse).

Let's get legislation in place, enforceable by law, that all mental health and medical practitioners MUST provide a money back guarantee for services. The guarantee applies to a schedule of services offered by individual practitioners, with specific documented limits on number of sessions required to achieve a measurable effect or maximum treatment duration to achieve an agreed result.If the client feels that they have not achieved that result within the agreed time or session limits, they can ask for ALL their money back. If the service was provided under government payment schemes, the government can claim back the payments.