Sex toys are considered to be obscene objects and are illegal in India, the patent office said


Staff member
Wonderful, the land of Kamasutra rejects a patent for sex toy. So now it can be patent elsewhere. How very sanskari.

Am I the only 1 who doesn't know what it is?

Going to need a demonstration for that one. I know, right? It probably goes to both holes.. I'd name it holes-in-one .

This is good decision by Indian government.

Yea they use only moral sex toys, approved by gurus.

why should we miss out,just because your crap in bed,women need to finish off,what you lot couldn't.

Not just India lol there’s still parts of America and here in uk that’d say the same, the world needs to grow up lol.

The inventors of tantric sex and phallic symbols are trying to say they no longer want to be associated with the stuff they created??? Lol India, why you so stupid?

here was a time when "Old Glory" condoms were rejected by intellectual property registration systems in the US.

We can't have women pleasuring themselves now.

They need a good man instead.

Charles Stevens most of the toys over there are bought by men it says in the article.

Sex toys are considered to be obscene objects and are illegal in India, the patent office said.JPG

Said the country that invented the Kamasutra.

All sex toys are satanic and demonic.

we so need to grow up!

I thought they were new in-ear headphones....
There is always a “loophole” for a patent .

Meanwhile 85% of humans believe in some fairytale BS in one form or another... Magic isn’t real.

No wonder they all want to live over here.

Wait a minute. The country whose greatest cultural achievement was the KAMA SUTRA just banned a sex toy for being immoral?

india government should legal this toys to reduce rape cases.