Sydney's Defqon 1 music festival: Authorities call for ban after two 'drugs deaths'


Staff member
Drugs testing at the events saves lives, Boomtown Fair has the loop on site, they test any drugs brought to them, they will then issue alerts if they are unusual or harmful. This saves lives, not pretending that banning festivals and outlawing drugs saves lives. They don’t. Society needs to grow up and have an adult conversation about drugs.

Far more people die on the road. I’ve been to two festivals this year, took my kids with me both times. Never had any bother and felt perfectly safe. The kids had a blast.

How about incorporating pill testing facilities @ festivals and educating the public on safe drug use? The war on drugs isn't working - people are still consuming these substances. Prohibition doesn't solve the underlying social issues.

People die in clubs and in their homes at parties all the time from illicit drugs. It is not the venue or the organizers. It is the choices people make. There is so much security at these events and there is medical & ambulance attendance in place. Some people take huge risks getting stuff in and push their limits too hard for too long and the result can be unfortunate. BUT they chose to bring those drugs in under concealment they chose to put those drugs in their mouth. So again it is down to choice.
Now dancing at a festival isn’t a bad thing it is a good thing. People are outside doing exceedingly awesome exercise in a happy, positive environment and not locked up inside on social media or on game consoles this is a good thing. Getting fresh air in an excited environment that I think is not just a festival but a lifestyle! Dance and movement is good. Drugs and bad choices by an individual is bad. We need to see the difference.

I think taking some random pill is stupid but I'm not a teenager. They try stuff whether we lke it or not. They need testing booths. Rather have them alive.

if you "cancelled" every event that ended with "death", you'd have to cancel "living". Music Festivals are Important to many, many, many of us.

So glad we have now discovered the solution to the world’s drug overdose problem - just ban music festivals.

Can't see how this the festival organisers are responsible for this, if someone took drugs in a supermarket and died would it be the store manager's fault?

This makes me so angry. We have to learn ways of dealing with world the way it is not the way we think it should be. Kids take drugs to and at music festivals - we don’t like it and would rather they didn’t but that’s not going to change any time soon. Doesn’t it make more sense to have pill testing facilities available - sensible on two levels (1) it saves lives (big tick) (2) it educates users on just how dangerous these drugs can be and there is no way of knowing that so perhaps they might rethink their use full stop.

If druggies or crazies can shut down public entertainment events this way, then they win...and can progressively squeeze all the joy out of life until we are left with something like Sharia Law. Have the event; legalize drugs for the event; require a not-hold-liable signature to enter; and let them bear the consequences for their behavior.

And the demonisation continues.

If people make the choice to take illegal drugs, that’s on them and their stupidity. Banning the festival is not going to stop people from doing drugs or engaging in stupid behavior.

Erm it is not the festival, it is the dodgy drugs! They should have test kit like we have here so people can check if it is safe!

Ignorance is a bad thing. Educate people on the dangers of using drugs. Testing drugs at venues will drop deaths.

'And we won't tell you which one it is unless you click on this link.'

Shall we ban everything and wrap everyone in cotton wool!

This sounds like a movie I once saw...

American hypocrisy at its best! Why didn’t you ban gun first? There were ten millions more death from gunshot!

700 people needed medical treatment for drug issues, I would like to know how many tickets were sold.

Legalise, regulate, tax, and educate people, everyone will be better off and more well informed. The government will see increased tax revenue.

Stopping a concert isn't going to stop people from doing drugs. Hasn't that already been established?

Sydney's Defqon 1 music festival Authorities call for ban after two 'drugs deaths'.JPG

No doubt these deaths would have occurred even outside the festival.

What a load of crap. Unless organizers were handing out drugs as people went through the gate I'm not sure how they can be blamed. People make their own choices to do drugs and that's the price they paid. Why should everyone else suffer the consequences because some people are idiots...

Imagine what they would say to the carnage of Notting Hill Carnival!

Taliban also ban music.

How is this the fault of the music festival? It's the fault of the drug takers and the ones who sold/gave them the drugs.

No you don't ban it. You just dont support it, You have to simply accept that death is a part of life.