Why Americans love the Great British Bake Off


Staff member
They are kind to each other and they don’t make a big deal about, sex, age, race, religion, sexuality, disabilities. If it was a US show that’s all they would focus on is drama and BS. Plus you actually learn about baking!

We love it because the people on the program are sane, polite, and kind.

The bakers root for each and help each other along. Incredibly civilized. The judges are kind and helpful with their critiques. The creativity and process is the focus. The way it should be.

I love the show for so many reasons. 1) Mary Berry is the queen, and taught me the word 'scrummy'. 2) The cast is always diverse in age, race, sexuality, gender, religion...and it's never an issue. 3) Selasi 4)The last season I watched, the contestants literally held each other's hands during the star baker/elimination session, and it was the cutest, most pure thing I've seen on television in a long time. 5) It's celebrating the art and love of baking. (I could keep going, but I'll stop at 5).

If you ask my wife, it’s Paul Hollywood.

I’m a dual US UK citizen, raised and educated in England, living in NY for the past 18 years and I feel truly British again when I see the low key, classy, self effacing decency of my youth played out in a cake competition. 11/10.

The LA Times wrote exactly what I always think - the contestants are nice to each other, respect each other and they're not doing it for the money. Same goes for Masterchef UK.

I love it because everyone is polite and quiet. No running around like fools for ingredients no one shouts Bam or talks like a motor mouth. It's kind of like what the Food Network use to be, educational. Not loud, annoying entertainment.

My boyfriend and I love watching this. And this is our reasoning:

1. We love to bake.
2. Everyone is so nice and helpful to each other. You don’t see that on any US baking/cooking/etc competition shows.
3. I don’t even want to watch the one they are now doing in the US. I am sure they will ruin every British show like they always do. AND people in the US show won’t be that nice.

Love love love the show. No politics, no manufactured drama, no meddling press, lots of good will and it’s all about something we all love to do.....eat something homemade and yummy!

I had no idea what a "sultana" or "treacle" or "caster sugar" was prior to watching this program. There are so many unique British baking terms I hear on the show that I had to look up online.

Why Americans love the Great British Bake Off.jpg

Best reality show ever for the whole family. People just come and bake. There’s no nasty, manufactured competition. It’s peaceful baking with drama like- that doesn’t look like it’s proving...my bake is leaking....there’s aren’t enough instructions here....my sponge is too warm to decorate...etc...Americans just don’t know how to make reality shows like this.i hope it goes on for decades.

My 21 year old daughter loves it. She shared the reason it resonates for her more than the American cooking shows. She says the contestants are very ‘cute’ and they help each other out. It is not cut throat competition. It is rather a very supportive environment where the focus is on getting better but not at the expense of putting someone else down.

We love it because the contestants are kind to each other. People want to win on their own talent.

On Netflix here, it took me one or two episodes to fall in love with Noel Fielding. Paul has light blue eyes, but Noel has Sapphire Blue eyes! Very kind people.

It's so calm compared to most American reality/competition programming. Therefore I find it soothing.

It's nice to watch a show without made up drama.